IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled Fame Germany 12" LP ALBUM VINYL

This release of Iron Maiden's first official full length album, has the Fame-logo printed on the right hand side of the front cover, just below the "white" moon.


IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled Fame Germany 12" LP ALBUM VINYL  front cover

Album Description & Collectors information:

This album "IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled (Fame)" includes the original custom Fame inner sleeve.

"Iron Maiden", released on 14 April 1980, is the debut album by the British heavy metal band Iron Maiden. It was released by EMI in the UK, reaching number 4 in the UK charts, and a few months later in the U.S., originally on Harvest/Capitol Records and subsequently Sanctuary Records/Columbia Records.


Music Genre:

Heavy Metal / NWOBHM  

Album Production information:

The album: "IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled (Fame)" was produced by: Will Malone

Sound/Recording Engineer(s): Martin Levan.

This album was recorded at: ingsway Studios, Morgan Studios London.

Album Front cover design: Derek Riggs

Derek Riggs an English artist best known for creating the iconic artwork "Eddy" for the heavy metal band Iron Maiden. Born in 1958 in Portsmouth, England, Riggs showed an early talent for drawing and went on to study illustration and design.

In the late 1970s, Riggs was approached by Iron Maiden to create artwork for the band's first album, "Iron Maiden." The album's cover, which featured a zombie-like figure known as "Eddie the Head," became a defining image for the band and helped to establish their visual style. Riggs continued to create artwork for Iron Maiden throughout the 1980s and 1990s, and his distinctive and often macabre illustrations have become synonymous with the band.


In addition to his work with Iron Maiden, Riggs has also created artwork for other musicians and bands, as well as for books, comics, and other media. He is widely regarded as one of the most important and influential artists in the heavy metal genre, and his work has helped to shape the visual style of the genre as a whole.

Today, Derek Riggs continues to create new artwork, and his legacy as one of the great heavy metal artists of all time remains intact. His influence can be seen in the work of countless other artists and musicians, and his iconic images continue to inspire fans and artists alike.

Derek Riggs was raised in a creative environment, with his father working as an artist and his mother as a fashion designer. This artistic background helped to lay the foundation for his later success as an artist. After completing his studies in illustration and design, Riggs worked as a freelance artist, creating illustrations and designs for various clients.

Riggs's work with Iron Maiden was groundbreaking, and he quickly became one of the most important and influential artists in the heavy metal genre. He was responsible for creating some of the most iconic images associated with the band, including Eddie the Head, who has appeared on almost every Iron Maiden album cover. Eddie has become one of the most recognizable mascots in the heavy metal genre, and is a beloved figure among fans of the band.

In addition to his work with Iron Maiden, Riggs has created artwork for a variety of other clients, including other musicians and bands, comic books, and book covers. He has also collaborated with other artists on various projects, and has continued to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of heavy metal art.

Derek Riggs is regarded as a true innovator in the field of heavy metal art, and his impact on the genre cannot be overstated. His work continues to inspire new generations of artists and musicians, and his legacy as one of the greatest heavy metal artists of all time is secure.


Album cover photography: Terry Walker and Yuka Fujii  

Record Label & Catalognr:

Fame - 1C 038 1575481

Media Format:

12" Vinyl Stereo Gramophone Record
Total Album (Cover+Record) weight: 230 gram  

Year & Country:

1985 Europe
Personnel/Band Members and Musicians on: IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled Fame
    Band-members, Musicians and Performers
  • Paul Di'Anno

    Paul Di'Anno, born Paul Andrews on 17 May 1958, in Chingford, Essex, England, is an English singer best known as the original lead vocalist for the iconic heavy metal band Iron Maiden. From his early beginnings in the punk scene to his influential role in shaping Iron Maiden's early sound, Di'Anno has left an indelible mark on the history of heavy metal.


    Di'Anno's musical journey began in the late 1970s when he joined a punk band called The Phantom as their lead singer. This early experience allowed him to develop his raw and gritty vocal style, characterized by its punk sensibilities. However, Di'Anno's talents extended beyond the punk genre, and it wasn't long before he caught the attention of Steve Harris, the bassist and primary songwriter of a rising heavy metal band known as Iron Maiden.

    In 1978, Di'Anno officially joined Iron Maiden as their lead vocalist, replacing their original singer, Dennis Wilcock. With Di'Anno at the helm, the band released their eponymous debut album, "Iron Maiden", in 1980. The album featured Di'Anno's powerful and dynamic vocals, contributing to the band's distinctive sound and helping establish them as a force to be reckoned with in the emerging New Wave of British Heavy Metal (NWOBHM) movement.

    Following the success of their debut album, Iron Maiden released their sophomore effort, "Killers", in 1981. Once again, Di'Anno's charismatic presence and commanding vocals contributed to the album's critical acclaim and solidified the band's growing fan base. However, tensions within the band, combined with Di'Anno's personal struggles, led to his departure from Iron Maiden in 1981.

    Following his exit from Iron Maiden, Di'Anno embarked on a period of musical exploration and experimentation. He formed his own band, Di'Anno, in 1983, releasing one self-titled album that showcased a different side of his musical personality.

    In 1985, Di'Anno briefly joined the NWOBHM band Gogmagog, contributing vocals to their EP "I Will Be There." This collaboration provided a glimpse into his versatility as a vocalist and his ability to adapt to different musical styles.

    Later in 1985, Di'Anno found a new musical home with the band Battlezone. Their debut album, "Fighting Back," released in 1986, marked a return to Di'Anno's hard rock and heavy metal roots. The album showcased his powerful vocals and charismatic stage presence, solidifying his reputation as a force to be reckoned with in the metal scene. Di'Anno sang also on their album "Children of Madness" released in 1987, marked a pivotal point in Paul Di'Anno's post-Iron Maiden career. The album showcased a heavier and more mature sound compared to their debut, blending elements of hard rock, heavy metal, and punk.

    Despite leaving Iron Maiden, Di'Anno's impact on the band's early sound and success cannot be overstated. His contributions helped lay the foundation for Iron Maiden's subsequent rise to global fame. After his departure, Di'Anno embarked on a solo career, releasing albums such as "Di'Anno" (1984), "Nomad" (2000), and "The Living Dead" (2006).

    Over the years, Di'Anno has faced personal challenges, including legal troubles and health issues. He has also undergone several surgeries related to a knee injury. Nevertheless, his passion for music and his loyal fan base have kept his legacy alive.

    Despite no longer being part of Iron Maiden, Di'Anno's influence as the band's original lead vocalist remains significant. His contributions during the early years helped shape the band's identity and sound, and his energetic stage presence and distinctive voice have left an enduring impact on the heavy metal genre as a whole.

    Today, Paul Di'Anno is regarded as a legendary figure in the history of heavy metal, known for his unique vocal style, stage charisma, and contributions to Iron Maiden's early success. His indomitable spirit and passion for music continue to inspire new generations of fans and musicians alike.

  • Steve Harris

    Steve Harris (Full-name: Stephen Percy Harris ) an English musician, singer, and songwriter best known as the bassist and primary songwriter for the heavy metal band Iron Maiden. He was born on March 12, 1956 in Leytonstone, East London, England.


    Harris formed Iron Maiden in 1975 and has been a member of the band ever since. He has been the driving force behind the band's success, and has played a key role in the development of their sound and style. As the band's bassist and primary songwriter, he has written many of their most famous and enduring songs, including "The Trooper," "Hallowed Be Thy Name," and "Fear of the Dark."

    Steve Harris is considered a pioneer of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal (NWOBHM) movement, and is widely regarded as one of the most important and influential figures in the history of heavy metal music. In addition to his work as the bassist and primary songwriter for Iron Maiden, he has also been involved in several other musical projects over the years, including the production of several albums and the formation of a side project called British Lion.

    Harris is known for his distinctive and energetic bass playing style, which features fast and intricate runs and a powerful and driving rhythm. He is also known for his strong stage presence and charismatic personality, and is widely regarded as one of the greatest heavy metal bassists of all time.

    In addition to his musical contributions, Harris is also known for his strong work ethic and dedication to his craft. He is widely regarded as one of the most focused and dedicated musicians in the heavy metal genre, and has been praised for his unwavering commitment to the music he loves.

    Despite his success and impact on the heavy metal genre, Harris has remained a down-to-earth and approachable person. He is widely respected and admired by fans and fellow musicians alike, and is considered one of the most important figures in the history of heavy metal music.

    Timeline of Steve Harris's career until early 1990s:

  • Dennis Stratton
  • Dave Murray

    Dave Murray (Full-name: David Michael Murray ) is an English guitarist best known as a member of the heavy metal band Iron Maiden. He was born on December 23, 1956 in London, England and is one of the founding members of Iron Maiden, along with bassist Steve Harris. Murray is widely regarded as one of the greatest guitarists in heavy metal music and has been a member of Iron Maiden since their inception in


    Murray's musical style is characterized by his fluid and intricate lead guitar playing, as well as his creative use of harmonies and solos. He is known for his distinctive sound and technical prowess, and is widely regarded as a pioneer of the heavy metal genre. He has played on all of Iron Maiden's studio albums and has been an integral part of the band's success, helping to establish their distinctive sound and style.

    In addition to his work with Iron Maiden, Murray has collaborated with a number of other musicians and bands over the years. He is widely regarded as one of the most talented and influential guitarists in heavy metal, and continues to tour and perform with Iron Maiden to this day. He remains an active member of the band and continues to play an important role in their ongoing success.

    Dave Murray has been a member of Iron Maiden since the band's formation in 1975 and has been a key part of their sound and style ever since. He is known for his fluid, melodic playing style and his ability to incorporate intricate harmonies and solos into Iron Maiden's music. Over the years, Murray has established himself as one of the greatest guitarists in heavy metal and has earned a reputation as a master of the genre.

    One of the hallmarks of Murray's playing style is his use of harmonies and counter-melodies in his solos. He often doubles his lead lines with a second guitar part, creating a rich and layered sound that has become a signature of Iron Maiden's music. He is also known for his creative use of bends and vibrato, as well as his ability to incorporate classical music and folk influences into his playing.

    Throughout his career with Iron Maiden, Murray has remained a dedicated and hard-working musician. He has continued to evolve his playing style and push the boundaries of heavy metal guitar, and has been an important part of Iron Maiden's success and longevity as a band. He remains an active member of the band and continues to tour and perform with them to this day, entertaining fans with his virtuosic guitar playing and his distinctive sound.

  • Clive Burr

    Clive Ronald Burr, known as Clive Burr, was an English drummer who achieved fame as a member of the legendary heavy metal band Iron Maiden. Born on 8 March 1957, in East Ham, London, Burr developed a passion for music at a young age. He began playing the drums early on and honed his skills with dedication and perseverance.


    In 1977, Burr joined the band Samson, where he showcased his talent behind the drum kit. His time with Samson allowed him to gain experience and recognition within the music industry. Two years later, in 1979, Burr received a life-changing opportunity when he was invited to join Iron Maiden as their new drummer.

    Burr's addition to Iron Maiden proved to be instrumental in the band's success. He contributed his unique drumming style to the band's first three albums, namely "Iron Maiden" (1980), "Killers" (1981), and the groundbreaking "The Number of the Beast" (1982). His exceptional skills, ability to play intricate patterns at high speeds, and powerful drumming helped shape the band's distinctive sound.

    However, Burr faced health issues that eventually led to his departure from Iron Maiden in 1982. Despite leaving the band, his legacy as a pioneering drummer in the heavy metal genre had already been established. He made a lasting impact on the music world, and his contributions to Iron Maiden's early catalog continue to be celebrated by fans and musicians alike.

    Following his departure from Iron Maiden, Burr remained active in the music industry. He played with several bands, including Stratus, Desperado, and Clive Burr's Escape. Although his health continued to pose challenges, Burr's passion for music never waned.

    Tragically, on 12 March 2013, Clive Burr passed away at the age of 56. His death was attributed to complications from multiple sclerosis, a condition he had battled for many years. Burr's untimely demise deeply saddened the music community, and tributes poured in from fans, fellow musicians, and admirers around the world.

    Clive Burr's remarkable drumming abilities and his influential contributions to Iron Maiden's early success left an indelible mark on the heavy metal genre. His legacy lives on through the music he created and the inspiration he provided to aspiring drummers. Despite the challenges he faced, Burr's dedication, talent, and passion for music continue to be celebrated, ensuring that his memory remains forever etched in the world of heavy metal history.

Complete Track-listing of the album "IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled Fame"

The detailed tracklist of this record "IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled Fame" is:

    Track-listing Side One:
  1. Prowler
  2. Remember Tomorrow
  3. Running Free
  4. Phantom of the Opera
    Track-listing Side Two:
  1. Transylvania
  2. Strange World
  3. Charlotte the Harlot


Front Cover Photo Of IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled Fame Germany 12" LP ALBUM VINYL


IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled Fame Germany 12" LP ALBUM VINYL  front cover

 Note: The photos on this page are taken from albums in my personal collection. Slight differences in color may exist due to the use of the camera's flash. Images can be zoomed in/out ( eg pinch with your fingers on a tablet or smartphone ).

Photo Of The Back Cover IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled Fame Germany 12" LP ALBUM VINYL


IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled Fame Germany 12" LP ALBUM VINYL  back cover

First Photo Of Custom Inner Sleeve IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled Fame Germany 12" LP ALBUM VINYL

Original FAME Custom Inner Sleeve, Black and White Colour with Red Letting

Original FAME Custom Inner Sleeve, Black and White Colour with Red Letting

Second Photo Of Custom Inner Sleeve IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled Fame Germany 12" LP ALBUM VINYL

Original FAME Custom Inner Sleeve, Black and White Colour with Red Letting

Original FAME Custom Inner Sleeve, Black and White Colour with Red Letting

Close up of record's label IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled Fame Germany 12" LP ALBUM VINYL Side One

"Iron Maiden ( self-titled )" Record Label Details: Yellow Colour EMI 1C 038-15 7548 , LC 0542, DMM, Boxed GEMA, Unboxed STEMRA ℗ 1980 Sound Copyright

"Iron Maiden ( self-titled )" Record Label Details: Yellow Colour EMI 1C 038-15 7548 , LC 0542, DMM, Boxed GEMA, Unboxed STEMRA ℗ 1980 Sound Copyright

Close up of record's label IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled Fame Germany 12" LP ALBUM VINYL Side Two

IRON MAIDEN - Self-Titled Fame Germany 12" LP ALBUM VINYL  enlarged record label

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