Wolfgang Niedecker's BAP - AFFJETAUT Photo Gallery 12" LP

Affjetaut is the second album by the German Rock band BAP and was released in 1980. This web-page has a photo gallery of the album cover and record label


BAP Affjetout album front cover

"Affjetaut" Album Description:

In 1980, German rock band BAP released their groundbreaking second album, "Affjetaut" (Kölsch for "thawed out"). This album, a catalyst for the "Kölschrock" movement, propelled the band to national fame, leaving an indelible mark on the German music landscape.

Historical Context: A Nation in Transition

West Germany in the early 1980s was still coping with the legacy of World War II and grappling with internal division. BAP's music, with its working-class narratives and social commentary, resonated with a generation seeking to understand their place in this changing nation.

Musical Exploration: Kölschrock and Beyond

"Affjetaut" boldly embraced BAP's unique Kölschrock sound—rock and blues sung entirely in Kölsch, the dialect of Cologne. This rejection of standard German was a statement of regional pride and a powerful connection to their local audience.

The album tackled themes of love, loss, societal disillusionment, and the weight of history. Tracks like the anthemic "Verdamp Lang Her" ("Evaporated Long Ago") became a cry for a generation confronting a complex past, while the bluesy "Ne schöne Jrooß" ("Warm Regards") reflected on everyday life.

Controversy and Authenticity

BAP wasn't afraid to stir controversy. Their songs often addressed social injustices and political disillusionment. This unapologetic stance solidified their position as authentic voices, unafraid to challenge norms within German society.

Behind the Music

Frontman Wolfgang Niedecken's heartfelt lyrics, filled with both vulnerability and strength, merged perfectly with the band's energetic musicianship. The album benefitted from a skilled production team who captured BAP's raw and dynamic sound.

BAP Affjetout album front cover

BAP Affjetout album front cover

BAP Affjetout album back cover

Large Hires Photo

BAP Affjetout close-up photo of the Eigelstein Record Label

BAP Affjetout close-up photo of the Eigelstein Record Label
Index of B.A.P. Vinyl Album Discography and Album Cover Gallery
BAP - Affjetaut 12" Vinyl LP
BAP - Affjetaut album front cover vinyl record

"Affjetaut" boldly embraced BAP's unique Kölschrock sound—rock and blues sung entirely in Kölsch, the dialect of Cologne. This rejection of standard German was a statement of regional pride and a powerful connection

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BAP - Live Bess Demnähx 12" Vinyl LP
BAP - Live Bess Demnähx album front cover vinyl record

BAP's "Live Bess Demnähx" is a thrilling double-LP vinyl album capturing the legendary Cologne-based rock band's electrifying stage presence. This live recording showcases BAP's raw energy and their distinctive Kölsch dialect

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BAP - Vun Drinne Noh Drusse 12" Vinyl LP
BAP - Vun Drinne Noh Drusse album front cover vinyl record

In 1982, BAP, the legendary Kölschrock band from Cologne, Germany, released their landmark album "Vun Drinne Noh Drusse" ("From Inside to Outside"). This album, a powerful combination of rock and regional dialect

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BAP - Zwesche, Salzjeback un Bier 12" Vinyl LP
BAP - Zwesche, Salzjeback un Bier album front cover vinyl record

The album's title track, "Zwäsche Salzjebäck un Bier," is a rollicking anthem about the simple pleasures of life. The song's lyrics describe a day in the life of a working man, from getting up for work to going out to the pub

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